The Windows of Open World is a journey that never stops. It's a journey through knowledge, culture, and adventure—just as Wikitravel is a journey through the web of travel information.
In 2003, David I. Carbin and his team created something extraordinary—a travel destination that was both free and open. They released Wikitravel, a global hub for all things travel, everything from guides to reviews to photos—all in one place. And it's not just about the places you visit—Wikitravel is about the people, the stories, the experiences—and how they can share their knowledge with anyone else.
Imagine a world where instead of sharing a map or a ticket, everyone could create their own guide. Or a world where you could draw your own map, edit it however you liked, and have others do the same around the globe. That's what Wikitravel is—a place where all the information comes together—so that anyone can join in, no matter how far they are from their destination.
But here's the kicker: it's not just about creating—it's about sharing. Because when you create something, you're also teaching someone else. And if you teach someone else through travel, you're teaching them a language of exploration and discovery—whether it's using a map, painting a canvas, or even writing a blog.
As we explore the world together, there's no limit to how far we can go, how many stories we can tell—and the only limit is our hearts. And that's why we're here—to make this journey as accessible and as interesting as possible.
So join us in our journey—don't be afraid to create, don't be afraid to share, and don't be afraid of being misunderstood. Just like how you might use a window to see the world around you, Wikitravel lets people from all over the globe see the world wherever they are—and maybe even some weird words they haven't seen before.
So next time you're out on your travels, remember: there's nothing too far off the charts. And there's no limit to how much we'll explore together. Let's go!